Republicans fight for public safety, mental health, and rural Colorado during budget debate


March 30, 2023

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DENVER – This morning, the state budget, SB23-214, was passed in the Senate.

During yesterday’s debate on the bill, Colorado Senate Republicans offered substantial amendments largely addressing public safety, mental health, and the prosperity of rural communities; most amendments were killed by democrats.

Senate Republicans also made four unsuccessful efforts to fully fund Colorado’s schools by finally paying off the budget stabilization factor. Colorado Senate Republicans will continue to press for the full funding of Colorado’s schools through the school finance act, set to be considered in the coming weeks.

Below is a summary of the most impactful budget amendments offered by Senate Republicans during the debate:

Budget Amendments #8, 9, 10, 11 (J.016, J.026, J.024, J.015)

  • Sponsor: Senators Lundeen, Baisely, Gardner, Liston, Byron Pelton, Rod Pelton, Rich, Simpson, Smallwood, Van Winkle, and Will
  • Description: Allocate $321.1 million of existing funds to the Department of Education for the purpose of fully funding Colorado’s education by eliminating the budget stabilization factor.
  • Status: Lost

Budget Amendment #16 (J.055)

  • Sponsor: Senators Pelton B, Pelton R, and Will
  • Description: Allocates funds to assist rural hospitals with mental health crisis services.
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment #19 (J.028)

Sponsor: Senator Will 

Description: Provides funds to the Department of Higher Education to be used for scholarships, need-based grants, and tuition assistance.

Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment #29 (J.051)

  • Sponsor: Senator Baisley
  • Description: Allocate funds to the Department of Local Affairs to be used for emergency rental assistance programs and eviction programs.
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment #37 (J.027)

  • Sponsor: Senator Baisley
  • Description: Provide funds to the Department of Public Health and Environment for suicide prevention programs.
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment #41 (J.018)

  • Sponsor: Senators Smallwood and Van Winkle
  • Description: Fund the Community Crime Victims Grant Program to assist victims of violent crimes. 
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment #42 (J.048)

  • Republican Sponsor: Senator Gardner
  • Description: Funds the Colorado Crime Services Fund
  • Status: Adopted!

Budget Amendment #45 (J.021)

  • Republican Sponsor: Senator Will
  • Description: Provide funds to the Department of Transportation for the construction of wildlife safe passages.
  • Status: Adopted!

Budget Amendment #46 (J.047)

  • Republican Sponsor: Senator Lundeen
  • Description: Provides funds to the Department of Transportation to be used for the construction and maintenance of Colorado’s roads.
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment #50 (J.054)

  • Republican Sponsor: Senators Pelton R, Pelton B, and Will
  • Description: Provides funding for charter schools in rural districts.
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

The Colorado General Assembly has a constitutional responsibility to pass a balanced state budget every year. Learn more about the state’s balanced budget requirement on the Civics Corner resource on our website.



If any media outlet requires photographs of any of our Senators, they are invited to use anything contained on our Flickr account with attribution to “Colorado Senate Republicans.”

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