DENVER – This morning, the FY 2024-25 Colorado state budget, HB 24-1430, was passed in the Senate.
The Colorado Senate Republicans proposed 31 amendments on various issues, with a key focus on enhancing school safety, supporting rural Colorado, building infrastructure, and protecting victims. Unfortunately, democrats killed a majority of these amendments.
Below is a summary of the most impactful budget amendments offered by Senate Republicans during the debate.
Budget Amendment 47 (J.137)
- Sponsors: Senators Pelton B and Winter
- Description: This budget amendment re-allocates $15 million from the general fund to Colorado Crime Victim Services Fund. This fund provides direct support to victims by paying for medical expenses, mental health services and home health services/home security.
- Status: Adopted!
Budget Amendment 36 (J.175)
- Sponsor: Senator Pelton R
- Description: This amendment gives $10 million to the Groundwater Compact Compliance and Sustainability Fund. The fund supports initiatives that enhance the long-term viability of groundwater resources. Specifically, it supports activities such as purchasing and retiring irrigation wells and irrigated acreage.
- Status: Killed by Democrats
Budget Amendment 46 (J.148)
- Sponsors: Senator Van Winkle and Pelton B
- Description: This amendment gives $4 million to the school safety disbursement program. The program works with local education providers and eligible non-profits to ensure schools have adequate safety measures in place to protect students, teachers and the community as a whole.
- Status: Killed by Democrats
Budget Amendment 28 (J.142)
- Sponsor: Senator Pelton B
- Description: This amendment re-allocates $2 million from the JUD OSPD staff and operation budget and gives it to rural hospitals.
- Status: Killed by Democrats
Budget Amendment 31 (J.143)
- Sponsor: Senator Pelton B
- Description: Re-allocates $2.0 million from the JUD OSPD staff and operating to the School Safety Disbursement Program
- Status: Killed by Democrats
Budget Amendment 6 (J.130)
- Sponsors: Senators Rich , Michaelson Jenet and Ginal
- Description: This amendment gives $6.1 to Denver Region AAA for: Congregate meals, home delivered meals, transportation, in-home services
- Status: Adopted by the Senate!
Budget Amendment #34 (J.155)
- Sponsor: Senator Pelton B
- Description: This amendment increases the appropriation to the Veterans Assistance Grant Program in the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs by $2,500,000 General Fund.
- Status: Killed by Democrats
Budget Amendment #45 (J.150)
- Sponsor: Senator Van Winkle
- Description:This amendment adds $27m to school safety disbursement program to fully fund all of the grant applicant requests. 125 request totalling $43 million, however only 66 grant applications were funded at a total of $16 million
- Status: Killed by Democrats
Budget Amendment #16 (J.170)
- Sponsor: Senator Pelton B
- Description: Redistributes $20 million from the State Ed Fund for the BEST program
- Status: Killed by Democrats
Budget Amendment #15 ( J.154)
- Sponsor: Senator Will
- Description: Adds $5,000,000 General Fund for the State Share of Districts’ Total Program Funding in the Department of Education and adds a footnote stating the General Assembly’s intent that the additional funding is for distribution to rural districts.
- Status: Killed by Democrats
Budget Amendment #29 (J. 163)
- Sponsor: Senator Will
- Description: Adds $6,000,000 General Fund to the Underfunded Courthouse Facilities Grant Program in the Judicial Department and adds a footnote indicating that this amount is for updates and controlled maintenance for the Dolores County Courthouse.
- Status: Killed by Democrats
Budget Amendment #38 (J.162)
- Sponsor: Senator Rich
- Description: Reduces General Fund appropriations to the Division of Disease Control and Public Health Response in the Department of Public Health and Environment by $3.0 million, with a corresponding decrease in FTE of 33.1.
Status: Killed by Democrats