Senate GOP Fights for Relief, School Safety, Infrastructure, Rural Colorado during 2024 Budget Debate


April 5, 2024

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DENVER – This morning, the FY 2024-25 Colorado state budget, HB 24-1430, was passed in the Senate.

The Colorado Senate Republicans proposed 31 amendments on various issues, with a key focus on enhancing school safety, supporting rural Colorado, building infrastructure, and protecting victims. Unfortunately, democrats killed a majority of these amendments.

Below is a summary of the most impactful budget amendments offered by Senate Republicans during the debate.

Budget Amendment 47 (J.137)

  • Sponsors: Senators Pelton B and Winter
  • Description: This budget amendment re-allocates $15 million from the general fund to Colorado Crime Victim Services Fund. This fund provides direct support to victims by paying for medical expenses, mental health services and home health services/home security. 
  • Status: Adopted!

Budget Amendment 36 (J.175)

  • Sponsor: Senator Pelton R
  • Description: This amendment gives $10 million to the Groundwater Compact Compliance and Sustainability Fund. The fund supports initiatives that enhance the long-term viability of groundwater resources. Specifically, it supports activities such as purchasing and retiring irrigation wells and irrigated acreage.
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment 46 (J.148)

  • Sponsors: Senator Van Winkle and Pelton B
  • Description: This amendment gives $4 million to the school safety disbursement program. The program works with local education providers and eligible non-profits to ensure schools have adequate safety measures in place to protect students, teachers and the community as a whole.
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment 28 (J.142)

  • Sponsor: Senator Pelton B
  • Description: This amendment re-allocates $2 million from the JUD OSPD staff and operation budget and gives it to rural hospitals. 
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment 31 (J.143)

  • Sponsor: Senator Pelton B 
  • Description: Re-allocates $2.0 million from the JUD OSPD staff and operating to the School Safety Disbursement Program
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment 6 (J.130) 

  • Sponsors:  Senators Rich , Michaelson Jenet and Ginal 
  • Description: This amendment gives $6.1 to Denver Region AAA for: Congregate meals, home delivered meals, transportation, in-home services
  • Status: Adopted by the Senate!

Budget Amendment #34 (J.155)

  • Sponsor: Senator Pelton B
  • Description: This amendment increases the appropriation to the Veterans Assistance Grant Program in the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs by $2,500,000 General Fund.
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment #45  (J.150)

  • Sponsor: Senator Van Winkle
  • Description:This amendment adds $27m to school safety disbursement program to fully fund all of the grant applicant requests. 125 request totalling $43 million, however only 66 grant applications were funded at a total of $16 million
  • Status: Killed by Democrats 

Budget Amendment #16 (J.170)

  • Sponsor: Senator Pelton B 
  • Description: Redistributes $20 million from the State Ed Fund for the BEST program
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment #15 ( J.154)

  • Sponsor: Senator Will 
  • Description: Adds $5,000,000 General Fund for the State Share of Districts’ Total Program Funding in the Department of Education and adds a footnote stating the General Assembly’s intent that the additional funding is for distribution to rural districts.
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment #29 (J. 163)

  • Sponsor: Senator Will 
  • Description: Adds $6,000,000 General Fund to the Underfunded Courthouse Facilities Grant Program in the Judicial Department and adds a footnote indicating that this amount is for updates and controlled maintenance for the Dolores County Courthouse.
  • Status: Killed by Democrats

Budget Amendment #38 (J.162)

  • Sponsor: Senator Rich
  • Description: Reduces General Fund appropriations to the Division of Disease Control and Public Health Response in the Department of Public Health and Environment by $3.0 million, with a corresponding decrease in FTE of 33.1.

Status: Killed by Democrats


If any media outlet requires photographs of any of our Senators, they are invited to use anything contained on our Flickr account with attribution to “Colorado Senate Republicans.”

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