Senator Byron Pelton is a Colorado native, born in Cheyenne County, and has called Logan County home for the past 22 years. He has an extensive history of service to both his country and community. Byron served in the Navy as an electrician repairing ships damaged in Desert Storm. This service led to his first career as a Master Electrician. As a military veteran, he is a staunch defender of the Constitution, the Second Amendment, and law enforcement. During his time in the legislature, Senator Pelton has fought against infringements on the Second Amendment and has advocated for policies that support law enforcement and the communities they protect. Last session, he was a key sponsor of a bipartisan bill aimed at strengthening the enforcement of human trafficking laws, an issue he is deeply committed to addressing.
Before being elected to the Senate, Byron was a strong leader for the Logan County Republican Party and served as a Logan County Commissioner for six years. During his tenure as commissioner, he was a vigorous advocate for rural Colorado and gained a profound understanding of the challenges faced by rural communities. He brings this knowledge and advocacy to the state legislature, where he continues to fight to protect Agriculture, the second largest economic driver in Colorado, bringing in 47 billion dollars annually. He works to support rural education by protecting small schools that serve as the backbone of their communities and rural way of life. He has been a champion for behavioral health, fighting for better resources and to find solutions for disproportionate funding of facilities and services.
Senator Pelton works tirelessly to safeguard local governments from legislative burdens imposed by activists and urban legislators. He continually fights for tax relief because he believes his constituents can spend money more wisely that the state government. He will always be a staunch supporter of energy production and is committed to protecting the oil and gas industry from unnecessary regulations.
Byron has received numerous legislative awards from organizations like the Colorado Chamber of Commerce, the Fraternal Order of Police, From Silent to Saved, Rural Schools, Pro 15, Independent Community Bankers of Colorado, the Colorado Community College System, which are all evidence that these are more than just political platforms to Senator Pelton, they are a steadfast commitment to his constituents and the people of rural Colorado.
The 2025 General Assembly will be a busy one for Senator Pelton as he serves on the Agriculture & Natural Resources, Appropriations, State, Veterans, & Military Affairs, Capital Development, and Transportation & Energy Committees. He is on the Legislative Council and is serving as the Minority Caucus Chair.
Senator Pelton lives just north of Sterling with his wife of 20 years, Celeste. He has two daughters: Mattea, a senior in high school and Elliana, a sophomore at Sterling High School. Byron and Celeste run a small cow-calf operation called the Flying H Cattle Company.